
Fr: enny's blog [updated version]

.. Audition-ers !! LOOK HERE !! i guess.. Theres something u guys must know !!


 have nothing much to say.. basically this is just copy and paste from enny's blog..

i have no idea wad should i say.. over jiu over.. blahs !! ..




here it goes..


.To a certain retarded person:-

Firstly, don't go around saying things which is not true, and simply point fingers at people. And since you're already pointing fingers at me for telling stuffs to silwu, why not I really tell everyone who you really ar? =) ~ oh wait, I think I did right after your 'cousin' came into the room and asked me stupid questions. So why not I start on my blog as well XD ~Devin is a 'boy' who is an asshole who goes around breaking other girls hearts, ~Devin is a 'boy' who thinks 'he's' right every single freaking time til 'he' points fingers at wrong people. ~Devin is a GIRL thinking that she can flirt around in audi because its just a game and no feelings can be hurt. ~Devin aka Max aka ~Kero is a control freak who thinks that she can do whatever she wants and get away with it. Well guess what, you just messed with the wrong person XD news will just fly and you won't even have face anymore ~ although you did say you dont care ~ but deep inside ~ you do =D





till here..




- Kindly spread around if u want ; appreciated ur helps ;hoho -


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