
im damn pissed at the moment..



damn u theif... first day after so long i stay back in uni, bad thing happened =.= guess what ? i've lost my SE k770i's hp.. after my lunch i leave it in room.. then POOF thats it.. no more... ive been calling non stop to that phone.. hope can find it.. but sad thing was i put on silent mode. =.= darn..



then the funny thing was... that fella actually called back to me.. i mean, miscall !? i received a sms notification that my num call me !? ftw ?  who took my hp away.. now after 4 hrs still able to call thru but none answer it... gahh... told enny bout it.. and guess what she sms to that num::




Hi! This message contains vital news for you. Since you stole this phone, one day karma will make your phone stolen away as well! Even if it doesnt hope your phone explodes when you use it. Have a very nice day you asshole =D




lol ><!!




now at 6.20pm, phone finally tio switched off... fook u theif... i bet thers sure someone in uni stole it.. NO MORE STAYING BACK IN UNI !! </3


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